Welcome to Eastern Light Acupuncture
A Holistic Way to Improve Your Health
About Eastern Light Acupuncture
Eastern Light Acupuncture offers a natural and holistic approach to medicine, that promotes healing and wellness through healthy alternatives to Western medicine. We strongly feel that it is our responsibility as healthcare practitioners to encourage and to educate our patients to take care of their own health. Let the healing process begin with Eastern Light Acupuncture.​
Chinese Herbs
Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate natural healing and improve overall function. This Traditional Chinese Medicine technique is effective for managing pain, reducing stress, enhancing well-being, and addressing various other health concerns.
Chinese Herbal Therapy is a major branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, utilizing herbal formulas prepared mostly from plant leaves, stalks, roots, flowers, or seeds. These highly concentrated herbal products are available in granule, powder, capsule, or tablet form. We offer many classic formulas that have been in use for thousands of years.
Cupping therapy involves placing heated glass jars on the skin to create a partial vacuum, drawing up the underlying tissues and promoting blood flow. This ancient technique is used to relieve pain, reduce muscle tension, and support overall wellness.
Electro-acupuncture involves applying a mild electric current to acupuncture needles, enhancing the therapeutic effects of traditional acupuncture. This technique provides stronger stimulation than regular acupuncture and is particularly effective for relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and improving muscle function.
Auricular Acupuncture
Auricular Acupuncture treats and prevents diseases by stimulating certain points on the ear with needles and/or magnets. It can be used in treating many internal diseases, including pain syndromes, smoking cessation, weight control, stress, insomnia, hypertension, infertility, etc.
Infared Lamp
A far infrared lamp uses deep-penetrating heat to promote circulation, reduce inflammation, and accelerate healing. This therapeutic light treatment enhances the benefits of acupuncture and supports overall wellness.
Get In Touch
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services, don't hesitate to contact us. We will get back to you as soon possible.
280 Dobbs Ferry Road, Suite 204
White Plains, NY 10607
T: 914.686.2353
E: eastmedny@gmail.com
Appointment Available:
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays
287 Traveling East:
​Exit 4 So. (RTE 100A, W. Hartsdale Ave.) Make a right onto RTE 100A S./Knollwood Road. In about 3/4 mile, turn left on RTE 100B, Dobbs Ferry Road. 280 Dobbs Ferry Road is on the left in about 1/4 mile.
287 Traveling West:
Exit 5 So. (RTE 100, Hillside Ave.) In 1/4 mile, turn right on Tarrytown Road then bear left at the traffic light to RTE 100B, Dobbs Ferry Road. 280 Dobbs Ferry Road is on the right in about 1/2 mile.
White Plains/Central Ave.:
Follow Tarrytown Road West and bear left at traffic light (before KMART) onto RTE 100B, Dobbs Ferry Road. 280 Dobbs Ferry Road is on the left in about 3/4 mile.
Sprainbrook Parkway:
Exit at RTE 100B/Greenburgh/Ardsley. Turn left at RTE 100B/Dobbs Ferry Road, 280 Dobbs Ferry Rd. is on the left in about 3/4 mile.